Monday, November 14, 2011

two essential topics

#1: today is my sister's birthday. she is turning twenty. twenty!

the girl who slept feet from me all her life until i left for college.

the girl who made my phone calls in high school when i just couldn't and stood beside me at my wedding.

the girl who is infinitely more  beautiful, kind and good-hearted than i could ever hope to be.

i love you, carly. and i'm honored to call you my best friend. the sisters thing is just the icing.

#2: today i'm over at my friend sarah's blog, desirous of everything. sarah asked me to do a little how-to post. and i thought. and thought some more. i've seen super blog tutorials about how to make bib necklaces. how to sew a wallet. how to cook a delish nutrish meal.

but i can't do any of those things, so i began to feel like a tiny failure.

then i looked at my ankles and saw my bundle of fluff, pablo. and remembered.

i am an expert in doggie belly rubs.

so hop on over and watch as i break down the art of the belly rub into seven easy steps! then give sarah some love because her blog is a true treasure. just try to not get lost in her writing. just try!


  1. That is a GREAT thing to be an expert at, the gift that just keeps giving. We are dog sitting right now and have been LOVING have a dog in our home again :)

  2. happy birthday to your sister! and i must say everytime i see a picture of your pablo i want a dog even worse. :)

  3. Happy Birthday to Carly! :)
    Great post on belly rubs! :)

  4. Wow you two look so alike! Love that picture, so sweet. Thanks so much for guesting today- I'm so happy to have you! xo

  5. Happy Birthday to your sweet sister!! You are both so cute and I love that you have that special bond only sisters can have!

    Now I'm off to see your post!


  6. aww sisterly love at its finest :)

  7. Happy birthday to your much loved sister my friend. Gosh, you two are certainly alike, aren't you?! Lovely photos today, and there's my little Pablo again. I could just eat him! Blessings.

  8. sweet sisters! Happy day to her, and happy day to you! Celebrations are so fun. xoxo

  9. Just read your blog post! So adorable! You are too cute Courtney!
    And Happy Bday to your sis!

  10. Such a sweet post about your sister! Its crazy how fast little sisters grow up, it makes me so sad to think about my own! Sisters are an incredible blessing though :)

  11. Sisters are THE best! I'm so grateful for mine :)

  12. Happy birthday to your sister! It's wonderful that you're so close, my sister is my best friend too and it's wonderful.

  13. aw you are such sweet sisters! :) What a lovely post for her birthday!

  14. Sisters are the BEST! Happy birthday to your sister!! :] Also, your guest post on belly rubs is so so cute! It makes me want a dog! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog! Tights and scarves are the way to go in the winter! I LOVE it!

  15. sweetest in the world.

    i miss my sissy. she is living in mexico right now. BUT she comes home for christmas ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!! eppp!!



thank you for stopping by! have a blessed day:)