Wednesday, November 16, 2011

but more so the flutter

you tell me all the time you love to watch me sleep. in the nook of the couch around midnight. in the bed at six in the morning, before any living creature is roused and our tiny room is washed in dark.

but i love the flutter of waking. when your eyes shift around under their lids and i can tell you're emerging. out of that deep dream and into the warmth of the quilt, and my my hands in your hair. that look of confusion that quickly gives way to recognition, oh hey, i know you. and for that split second, before words crush the moment and deflate the cocoon, there's a holy peace, a sacred space. yes, i suppose i love the flutter of it all more so than the dreaming.


  1. This is beautiful. Now to try to catch up on two months of your beautiful words.

  2. i love reading the way you capture moments with words.


  3. Your posts are so touching and beautiful. I am always amazed and intreged by your posts!

  4. Ahhh...precious, precious moments. x

  5. so very sweet. I love that moment too unless Kevin is snoring in which case that moment makes me want to scream.

    Stop by & enter my Shabby Apple Giveaway.

  6. I love this my friend! Lovely photo of Robert - you two are so much in love and I think it's wonderful! Hugs.

  7. Is there anything better or more adorable than watching the one you love sleep? I doubt it. :)

  8. Those are some of my favorite moments as well. You have a beautiful way of looking at the world and even more beautiful writing style. I'm so glad I found your blog.

  9. I love the flutter too. This is beautiful!

  10. I love being married too. I love when my husband is asleep so I can watch him or try to count his eyelashes :)

  11. this. is. perfect. and so romantic. thank you for sharing this <3


thank you for stopping by! have a blessed day:)