Thursday, February 3, 2011

losing my way with words

i love words.

i love the way they play, dance, move across a page. their rhythm. ebb and flow. up and down.

and i love writing. primarily because i'm so lousy at speaking. i love being able to attach a noun, adjective, verb, to an idea. 

but some things aren't that neat. some emotions, like the ones you feel in your gut, have no equivalent words. like when i wake up in the middle of the night and just get sad. and think about the brevity of life, and how precious and fleeting it is. and whisper a second round of prayers up to Heaven from under my blankets.

some things are just too heavy. i don't know how to write about the look in robert's eyes when he asked me to marry him. the bittersweet melancholy when we left my sister at college. the punch in the stomach when i found out a friend died in a car wreck. because to even try is to cheapen it. happy and sad just don't come close.

that's why this is my favorite bible verse. i was reminded of it driving home last night and it's been playing like an old familiar movie in my head ever since.

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.
-John 21:25
even an eternal library couldn't use up enough words to capture the soul of the Creator. the power and beauty of it all. it transcends everything. even my meager attempt here to write about it.

but those emotions. those deep, heart-wrenching feelings. those are beautiful. and special. and worthy of washing over you. even if words aren't worthy for them.


Laura said...

So beautiful. You sure have a way with words and can convey sentiment and emotion, better than most. Lx

Nicki said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post. It's so true. I love writing too, and there are some things that I want to write about so badly, but just don't know how to put it in words. I know it in my head, but as you said, to put it in words is to cheapen it. I love that passage you shared. It's so true. We get a glimpse of God's glory and goodness and we already can't handle it!

Happy thursday to you, dear!

Southhamsdarling said...

Beautiful, beautiful. You love of words certainly shines through every post that you write, and we are privileged to be the mere reader! I loved the bible text as well.

Rebecca said...

so true sometimes words just don't do emotions justice

Unknown said...

I have thought about these situations many times, and you, my dear, put all of this into just great words. Very Beautiful! I, too, enjoy that verse very much! Have a fabulous Thursday!

Diana Smith said...

Thats a really cool scripture. I really liked reading that! Thank you!

BJJ said...

You have a BEAUTIFUL way with words! You are - by far - one of my favorite writers in the blog world... no lie.


Fancy House Road said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.


Shay said...

What a neat scripture! I wish that I could write and speak as eloquently as I am sure you do- I have such a hard time conveying my emotions without littering them with sarcasm! I love your writing!

jeanette from everton terrace said...

Yes. I understand completely.

Dee Paulino said...

I am not a good communicator, at least I finally realized it and I'm trying to work on it. I have a hard time bringing my point across unless I write it. Every time I get mad or have something to discuss with someone, I write them a letter. I feel like my point its explained better when set on paper, but sometimes words don't do justice to my feelings. That is a great bible verse, it compliments this beautiful post nicely.

-Sam I Am- said...

there is nothing about this post i don't love.. seriously, holy cow... you are something else miss. I couldn't agree with you more.

Oh the power of words and how they can affect us to on the deepest level. and then, when words just couldn't compare to how we truly feel... we can pray. so wonderful.

much love pretty.

Grace said...


Haley said...

beautifully put. That verse touched me... And thank goodness our prayers can not only be said outloud in words, but also with the feelings in the deepest part of our hearts, be they of gratitude or desires...and He will hear them :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

So beautifully said. Sometimes I feel like new words should be made up to encompass all the many emotions we feel.

And that verse? AMAZING.

Amber said...

you have a way with words that i havent seen before. i love your posts, they always make smile and think...:)

kimbirdy said...

you have such a beautiful, amazing way with words and i love getting my "beautiful writing" fix from your blog. but it's true, some feelings just can't properly be expressed through words. in therapy, that's precisely the time when i use art. allowing yourself to just put to paper colors, lines, and movement that is inside you, be it a cry to God or a deeply held message to someone from the past, feels so good! and it's especially meaningful to get it out in a way that doesn't require words.

Tiffany said...

Great post! I love that verse and how you incorporated it here. I often tell people that some things are just "too important" or "too real" for my blog, but I think your description here hits the nail on the head.


Anonymous said...

love your blog honestly.

Young People in Love said...

When words fail or aren't sufficient, that's where art (therapy) steps up to the plate. :) Just sayin.

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

i love words too and yours especially much! i think that's why i like writing as well, it gives me time to form and allow the feelings to come. speaking isn't necessarily my forte either but the written word can be shaped and sculpted, more intensely thought out.

sometimes when i'm writing i actually move my fingers out in the air, like i'm trying to grab words with them, weird right? but like you say there's never enough to capture the deepest of emotions, for that is the time to move within. and that's a good thing too. i love the verse you chose, made me have tingles reading it. xo ♥

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i know what you mean about those verses playing over and over in your head like a movie! it's funny how each person has different ones.

Victoria said...

This post is great. Thank you for sharing. Everything you said is so true.

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